The Top 5 Ways Eating Healthier Foods can Boost Productivity at the Office

September 5, 2018

Companies often choose to use Berkshire Natural’s healthy snacks and fruit delivery service in the Boston area because they want to help build a positive company culture. But there’s another benefit as well. According to scientific research, eating healthy foods can boost worker productivity.

The more fruit and vegetables people consume per day, the happier, more engaged, and more creative they will be. In a study by the British Journal of Heath Psychology, adults who ate more healthfully over a thirteen-day period experienced greater well-being and also demonstrated more feelings of meaning and purpose.

According to an article published by the Chartered Management Institute in August, there are five ways consuming healthier foods can boost productivity:

1. Eating well increases energy and alertness
2. Eating well ensures a healthy immune system, which will reduce absenteeism
3. Eating well improves sleep, leading to greater concentration
4. Eating well can help to improve mental health
5. And of course, a healthy, balanced diet can help maintain a healthy weight, which gives us an improved ability to take part in physical activity.

The article goes on to say that “those employees who eat five portions of fruit and vegetables on at least four days per week show 25% higher job performance than those who do not. More than 20,000 employees across three US-based companies undertook an annual survey for three years. Those who ate healthily were off work less, and achieved more, in one study.”

So what are you waiting for? Contact Berkshire Natural and find how our healthy snacks and fruit delivery service for Boston-area companies can help you have happier, more productive employees.